Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Meandering McMurdos

Why does my family always expect us to travel to them? Seriously. There have been a few times when they have come to us, like special occasions or when we have begged. But it's always been on their terms, not ours. Heck even Aislin's blessing occurred on their terms more or less. We had planned on doing it on Memorial Day weekend, but my mom randomly decided to get the first weekend in June off without consulting us, so we changed it and missed the blessing of our very best friends' daughter who was born 2 weeks after Aislin. I was less than thrilled.

And now I'm getting "Oh, I have these days off so why don't you just pop on up here" 8+ hours away to Billings, Montana. Rifle season for deer starts that week. What? Family is more important than hunting? Sure, hunting season happens to be a family affair for us, and it's also a pretty big deal. We get ALL our meat for the year then. Yah, I could go to the store and buy meat, but I would prefer to feed my family meat that hasn't been grown on hormones. Yuck. I'm not a fan of preparing our meat for use, but it is well worth it.

Back on the topic of traveling, it's not that easy with little kids that don't understand why they've been strapped in a seat and why Mumma can't just pick them up when they're hungry or sad. But more of it is that if you want us to visit, why not plan some things to do? Sitting and talking can only get you so far until we just want to pull our hair out and run away to wander Walmart. And about that: it's hilarious that you use, "But go can go shopping" or "There's no sales tax here" to try to bribe us up there. Really? We have a Walmart 1.5 hours away and the Cabella's in Lehi, UT is much closer and much much bigger and much more awesome. Oh and the cost of driving for over 16 hours up and back pretty much trumps sales tax. It's only 5 cents by the way.

I move we have a scheduled family reunion every year complete with planned activities. Yes, even though you're divorced you can still tolerate each other for a couple days. You don't have to stay in the same accommodations after all. I'll even plan the first one.

 Christmas 2011
Christchurch NZ

We'll have a barbecue on the beach.

Oh, that's right, you don't want to travel 12+ hours.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Breastfeeding and Sex

For my first official post, I'll be relatively tame. I came across this article from

To be completely honest, my libido is not where it was pre-babies, but the reason why has little to do with birth or breast feeding. I spend all day in "Mommy Mode" changing diapers, bathing, dressing, feeding, soothing, etc. all day, every day, and the job of mommy doesn't have set hours. I'm on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Sometimes that means getting up a couple times in the middle of the night. It doesn't exactly equate to me feeling sexy or in any kind of sensual mood. I have to work at going from "Mommy Mode" to "Lover Mode" and it takes more than the flip of a switch to get me firing on all cylinders so to speak. I give all of myself to my kids. I need some time before I can let go of all the stresses of a day full of toys and tantrums and diapers enough to even think about that. 

So yes, breastfeeding does release hormones that affect my enjoyment of sex, but my lack of desire is because when I have the time to sleep, I want to sleep! And my husband will agree that the benefits of breastfeeding far outweigh the "convenience" of bottle feeding. (how is mixing formula and washing and sterilizing bottles every feed convenient?)

I'd wager formula moms have less sex too. I think we all have less sex after a new baby enters the picture, pretty normal I think!

I find articles like this super frustrating because not only do they perpetuate myths about breastfeeding, but they also polarize the genders! As if it's women's fault that the sex has gone out of relationships, that their partners are SOL. Or, perhaps you're both tired because you're both caring for the baby. Or, perhaps it's a natural phase to go through. We're constantly fighting nature. it just makes men seem like they're waiting around for us to lay on our back and open our legs again, but it's a lot more dynamic than that. 

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Welcome those who dare to enter here

Yep, I created a blog so that I can rant about whatever I want, link to whatever I want, post pictures about whatever I want and Facebook can't stop me!